As you can see, I am starting a blog, which will be not only about dentistry, but about the office, my team (The Ginger Snaps), and other random musings. I am hoping that I can make this entertaining and informative enough for people to want to read it. Or maybe provide some comic relief. Only time will tell if I will be writing this for an audience of one (my daughter) or an actual group of people.
I am open to topic suggestions, and please let me know if you like what you are reading. You can post your comments on our Facebook fan page (be gentle in your critiques, my ego isn’t huge). My writing style will be casual and possibly weird. So, while reading it, bear in mind that I tend to have a quirky sense of humor, and my intent is not to be insulting or belittling to anyone (unless you have something against gingers since I am a double-ginger; a redhead by birth and Ginger by name). Thank you for being a (potential) participant on this new adventure of mine!
As a few of you know, I am dipping my toes into the arena of online dating. And you may ask, “What does this have to do with dentistry?” Truthfully, not much, except I am a dentist, and I do notice smiles. Fake, real and everything in between. I am continually amazed when I look at the photos of the... read more »
Did you know that your children have the same bacteria in their mouths as you do? Not surprising when you think about it. We share the same cups and utensils, steal food off another’s plate, kiss, etc. So, of course, we would have the same bacteria. This isn’t a problem if everyone has a healthy mouth, free of disease. In... read more »